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Filters are a way to isolate specific titles in a search result, and apply results to them based on conditions.

  "group": "Bomberman GB 2",
  "titles": [
      "searchTerm": "Bomberman GB 2",
      "filters": [
          "conditions": {"matchRegions": ["Japan"]},
          "results": {"group": "Bomberman GB"}

In the previous example the searchTerm of Bomberman GB2 finds all titles with the short name Bomberman GB2, and gathers them in the Bomberman GB2 group. If the region of a title happens to include Japan, then that title is moved to the group Bomberman GB instead.

Because the filters key is an array, you can add as many conditions and results pairs as you like.

The valid conditions are:

Key Type Description
matchLanguages array[str]

Optional. A list of languages using ISO-639-1 two-letter language codes, that a title must match for the condition to be true.

"conditions": {
  "matchLanguages": ["Fr", "Nl" , "Sv", "No", "Da", "Fi"]
matchRegions array[str]

Optional. A list of regions that a title must match for the condition to be true.

"conditions": {
  "matchRegions": ["Europe", "Japan"]
matchString str

Optional. A regex string that must match against the title's full name for the condition to be true.

"conditions": {
  "matchString": "\\(Special Edition\\)"
regionOrder obj[str[array[str]]]

Optional. A list of regions that must be higher than others in the user's region priority for the condition to be true.

If any of the regions in the higherRegions array is higher in the user region order than all of the regions in the lowerRegions array, then the condition is true.

"regionOrder": {
  "higherRegions": ["Europe"],
  "lowerRegions": ["Spain"]

You can also use All other regions as the only region in either the higherRegions or lowerRegions arrays, and the remaining regions will be calculated automatically based on the array you've already populated.

"regionOrder": {
  "higherRegions": ["Japan", "Korea", "Taiwan", "Asia"],
  "lowerRegions": ["All other regions"]

The valid results are:

Key Type Description
categories array[str] Optional. A category is a class of titles, like Demos, Games, and Multimedia. Multiple categories can be assigned to a title, and existing categories are overridden.
englishFriendly bool

Optional, defaults to false. An English-friendly title is one that hasn't been marked as supporting English, but an English-speaking player can easily play to completion. Setting englishFriendly to true makes Retool treat a title as if it supports English.

group str Optional. The group value is used as the new group name and short name for all the titles that match the filter.
isOldest bool

Optional, defaults to false. When a user selects Prefer oldest production versions instead of newest, this can be used to manually override Retool's automatic choice, or override priority settings in clone lists. Setting isOldest to true manually marks which title is the oldest in the group.

superset bool Optional. Designates the title as a superset. Supersets are variants of titles that contain more content, or for some reason are superior to another version. This might include, for example, a Game of the Year edition, an all-in-one pack that bundles a game and all its DLC, or a DVD version of a title previously released on multiple CDs.
localNames object[str, str]

Optional. Contains the local names of a title. Add names for all available languages, including English.

Language keys must be lowercase versions of languages found in the user-config.yaml file or RetoolGUI languages list. For example, japanese, russian, chinese (traditional).

"localNames": {
  "english": "Example title",
  "chinese (traditional)": "標題範例",
  "japanese": "タイトルの例"

See Local names for more information on specifying local names.

priority int

Optional, defaults to 1. Lower numbers are considered higher priority, with 1 being the highest priority. Typically, a title with a higher priority wins when Retool is choosing a 1G1R title.

Priorities for titles are only taken into account for titles in the same region, with same group and short name.